Tuesday, August 18, 2015

EOC Week 6: 5 Ways to Liven Up the Website Homepage

5 ways to liven up the website home page

One way I could get people to stay on my page is by adding some kind of graphic. For example, I could have someone make a gif of me shooting pets. Or I could take a number of photos from a past shoot that are very similar to each other and make a mini slideshow of them.
Another idea I have is to create a full page slideshow that showcases not my best work but one photo from each category that will make the viewer want to see what else I can do.
Maybe I could look around and find a moving foreground that changes with the weather. It would change from sun rays, to clouds, to rain, and others.
If I could figure out how to do it, I could maybe take a vector of a camera that flashes and develops (fades in from black) with each photo as it shows a slide show of some of my work. Or I can just have the photo develop without a camera but I think that would be boring.            

The last thing I can think of would be having a super-fast slideshow zoom through my best photos. It will maybe make people click on other pages to go find a particular photo and look at it better. The show would go just slow enough that people will see what the subject of the photo is but too fast to really examine or see the photo.

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